
Sometimes, Dialog does not always satisfy our requirements, let's say you have a massive form, or you need space to display something like terms & conditions, Drawer has almost identical API with Dialog, but it introduces different user experience.


Since v-model is natively supported for all components, visible.sync has been deprecated, use v-model="visibilityBinding" to control the visibility of the current drawer.


This component requires the <client-only></client-only> wrap when used in SSR (eg: Nuxt) and SSG (eg: VitePress).

Basic Usage

Callout a temporary drawer, from multiple direction

No Title

When you no longer need a title, you can remove it from the drawer.

Customized Content

Like Dialog, Drawer can be used to display a multitude of diverse interactions.

Customized Header

The header slot can be used to customize the area where the title is displayed. In order to maintain accessibility, use the title attribute in addition to using this slot, or use the titleId slot property to specify which element should be read out as the drawer title.

Nested Drawer

You can also have multiple layer of Drawer just like Dialog.


The content inside Drawer should be lazy rendered, which means that the content inside Drawer will not impact the initial render performance, therefore any DOM operation should be performed through ref or after open event emitted.


Drawer provides an API called destroyOnClose, which is a flag variable that indicates should destroy the children content inside Drawer after Drawer was closed. You can use this API when you need your mounted life cycle to be called every time the Drawer opens.



model-value / v-modelShould Drawer be displayedbooleanfalse
append-to-bodyControls should Drawer be inserted to DocumentBody Element, nested Drawer must assign this param to truebooleanfalse
lock-scrollwhether scroll of body is disabled while Drawer is displayedbooleantrue
before-closeIf set, closing procedure will be haltedFunction
close-on-click-modalwhether the Drawer can be closed by clicking the maskbooleantrue
close-on-press-escapeIndicates whether Drawer can be closed by pressing ESCbooleantrue
open-delayTime(milliseconds) before opennumber0
close-delayTime(milliseconds) before closenumber0
custom-class deprecatedExtra class names for Drawerstring
destroy-on-closeIndicates whether children should be destroyed after Drawer closedbooleanfalse
modalShould show shadowing layerbooleantrue
directionDrawer's opening directionenumrtl
show-closeShould show close button at the top right of Drawerbooleantrue
sizeDrawer's size, if Drawer is horizontal mode, it effects the width property, otherwise it effects the height property, when size is number type, it describes the size by unit of pixels; when size is string type, it should be used with x% notation, other wise it will be interpreted to pixel unitnumber / string30%
titleDrawer's title, can also be set by named slot, detailed descriptions can be found in the slot formstring
withHeaderFlag that controls the header section's existance, default to true, when withHeader set to false, both title attribute and title slot won't workbooleantrue
modal-classExtra class names for shadowing layerstring
z-indexset z-indexnumber
header-aria-level a11yheader's aria-level attributestring2


custom-class has been deprecated, and will be removed in 2.3.0, please use class.


openTriggered before Drawer opening animation beginsFunction
openedTriggered after Drawer opening animation endedFunction
closeTriggered before Drawer closing animation beginsFunction
closedTriggered after Drawer closing animation endedFunction
open-auto-focustriggers after Drawer opens and content focusedFunction
close-auto-focustriggers after Drawer closed and content focusedFunction


defaultDrawer's Content
headerDrawer header section; Replacing this removes the title, but does not remove the close button.
title deprecatedWorks the same as the header slot. Use that instead.
footerDrawer footer Section


handleCloseIn order to close Drawer, this method will call before-close.


